Mixed Media

Recent Visual Art Articles

In our effort to keep you up to date on what’s going on in our arts community we’ve been providing links to visual arts-related articles in other sources. We’ve always done this in our Mixed Media feature on the last page of 15 Bytes, but since by the time our monthly edition comes out some of the articles we link to have become stale (or unavailable on the respective sites) we’ve decided to provide links throughout the month as well.

The following come thanks to our Mixed Media editor Terrece Beesley.

Some you’ll be familiar with from our June edition of 15 Bytes.

300 paintings in 365 days:
Susette Billedeaux Gertsch to showcase progress of painting odyssey


Another edition of Salt Lake City’s artsapolooza (This article is mostly about Edie Roberson)

Artist forks it over for Ogden arts fest – He uses welding equipment and his imagination to create sculptures from silverware.READ IT HERE.

Utah Arts Festival releases iPhone app guide: Navigating the Utah Arts Festival will be simpler this year — at least for iPhone and iPod Touch users.

Art notes: An arty set of golf holes, an exhibit of landscape art and Utah Arts Festival paintings. READ IT HERE.

Categories: Mixed Media

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