Southwestern Utah

Southwestern Utah | Southwestern Utah Arts Organizations

Kanab Arts Council

The Kanab Arts Council supports art-related events in Kanab, Utah,  provides opportunities for artists to share and enhance their unique gifts and educates our citizens regarding the arts. Our definition of arts is broad to embrace the needs of a wide range of creative individuals.  We generally follow […]

Southwestern Utah | Southwestern Utah Galleries

The Rafters Gallery

Located upstairs at the Rocking V Cafe, The Rafters Gallery features local artists working in black & white photography, oils, pastels, wood sculpture, digital photography, steel work, ceramics & plaster. website: Listings15 Bytes posts press releases regarding the arts in Utah, including exhibitions, call for entries, job […]

Southwestern Utah | Southwestern Utah Galleries

Juniper Sky Fine Art

Juniper Sky Gallery caters to fine arts including paintings and sculpture, as well as other unique works. Its professional staff assists many customers in art selection for homes and businesses in the area. This 3000 sf gallery accommodates relatively large pieces of wood, glass, sculpture and paintings from […]

Southwestern Utah | Southwestern Utah Galleries

Datura Gallery

Named for the beautiful wild flower, the Sacred Datura, that grows in the desert southwest, this is the first gallery established in theCoyoteGulch Art Village. True to its name,this gallery offers beautiful works from artisans and crafts people mostly from the southwest region of the United States – […]

Southwestern Utah | Southwestern Utah Galleries

Gallery 873

Gallery 873 owners Cherie and George Stoddard passionately support local and emerging artists. The gallery includes acrylics, oils, watercolors, and mixed media pieces as well as custom-made and hand-crafted jewelry, gourd art, creations in wood, bronze sculptures and a series of ceramics: hand-built stoneware and earthenware vessels utilizing […]

Southwestern Utah | Southwestern Utah Galleries

The Mission Gallery

The Mission Gallery specializes in museum-quality works of art from a stable of nationally-known painters and sculptors. Located in St. George, Utah, The Authentique Gallery specializes in works of art from a wide variety of subject matter, including western, figurative, still-life, and landscape. 173 North Main Street St. […]

Southwestern Utah | Southwestern Utah Galleries

Authentique Gallery

Authentique Gallery is located on the venerable Ancestor Square in the middle of historic downtown and features works in oils, pastels, bronzes, watercolor and pottery. 199 North Main Street St. George, Utah 84770 435-688-7ART(278) website: Listings15 Bytes posts press releases regarding the arts in Utah, including exhibitions, […]

Southwestern Utah | Southwestern Utah Art Museums & Art Centers

St. George Art Museum

St. George City’s art museum with three exhibition spaces on two floors. 175 E. 200 N.  |   St. George, Ut 84770  |  435.627.4000 website: Listings15 Bytes posts press releases regarding the arts in Utah, including exhibitions, call for entries, job opportunities, workshops, art talks. Send your press releases to […]

Southwestern Utah | Southwestern Utah Art Museums & Art Centers

Sears Art Museum

Dixie State University’s Sears Art Museum Gallery features six exhibits each year, offering a variety of art styles from traditional to contemporary for the enjoyment and education of DSU students and the community. Every President’s weekend in February, this beautiful space hosts the Sears Dixie Invitational Art Show […]

Southwestern Utah | Southwestern Utah Galleries

Worthington Gallery

In 1980 Greg Worthington opened Worthington Gallery in a beautiful, 1860’s pioneer home in Springdale, Utah near the entrance to Zion National Park. The gallery now offers not only Greg’s original pottery, but also the works of over 30 professional artists including ceramists, sculptors, glassblowers, and painters. Worthington […]

Southwestern Utah | Southwestern Utah Arts Organizations

Arts Council of Washington County

The  Washington  County  Arts  Council  (WCAC) coordinates  and  promotes  leadership  and  policies that   encourage  and  foster  a  strong,  vibrant  and cohesive  arts  community  for  the purpose of enriching the  lives  of  County  residents  and visitors. This  is primarily  through  professional development activities,   cooperative  planning  and promotion. website: Listings15 Bytes […]

Southwestern Utah | Southwestern Utah Arts Organizations

Cedar City Arts Council

The Cedar City Arts Council fosters a thriving arts community in Iron County through advocacy, appreciation, education, and support. website: Listings15 Bytes posts press releases regarding the arts in Utah, including exhibitions, call for entries, job opportunities, workshops, art talks. Send your press releases to Please […]

Southwestern Utah | Southwestern Utah Arts Organizations

Thunderbird Foundation for the Arts

Founded in 1999, the Thunderbird Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization whose mission is the preservation and maintenance of the Maynard Dixon home and property in Mount Carmel, Utah. website: Listings15 Bytes posts press releases regarding the arts in Utah, including exhibitions, call for entries, job opportunities, workshops, […]

Southwestern Utah | Southwestern Utah Arts Festivals

St. George Art Festival

Annual arts festival in March in St. George’s Historic Town Square, 50 South Main. website:   Listings15 Bytes posts press releases regarding the arts in Utah, including exhibitions, call for entries, job opportunities, workshops, art talks. Send your press releases to Please include an expiration date […]

Southwestern Utah | Southwestern Utah Art Instruction

Roland Lee Workshops

With over 35 years experience, Roland Lee is one of today’s most successful watercolorists and sought-after art workshop instructors. As a signature member of the National Watercolor Society, Roland has conducted workshops throughout America, helping hundreds of artists bring their art to a higher level. He has also […]

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