Photography | Utah Artists - C

Luis Canelon

My name is Luis Canelón, and I’ve been obsessed with art since I was a kid. Drawing was my introduction into this path, and I’ve enjoyed every second of it. I went to College for Graphic Design and there I truly discovered photography. After that, I’ve dedicated myself to creation. Art, in however shape or form. But mainly, through a camera lens.


As an avid lover of cinematography, my dream is to create scenes and tell a story through a picture. Yet, that is an effort that requires a team, and that’s sometimes difficult to come by. However, through the lens of my camera I enjoy capturing moments that could easily be a movie frame, just completely motionless. I express myself better through images than words, and as such, I make the world my own play and encapsulate those little stories that are told everywhere, only to those who pay attention. I love photography. I love the process of capturing an image, processing it and then share the final result. It is both therapy and a means of study. A study of the world around us and our place in it. And even if I acquire a whole team of people to create motion pictures, I will still continue my journey into photography, telling more stories.



Luis Canelon, “Fishing for the Moment,” 2023, photo print, 12 x 18 in.


Luis Canelon, “Fishing for the Moment,” 2023, photo print, 12 x 18 in.


Luis Canelon, “Ride with Me,” 2023, photo print, 12 x 18 in.


Luis Canelon, “A Boy and his Father,” 2022, photo print, 16 x 20 in.


Luis Canelon, “Come say Hi!,” 2021, photo print, 16 x 20 in.

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