We are bleary eyed from looking at copy and images, but the book is finally at the printer’s, and we’re excited for the book release party Friday, February 8, at Rio Gallery, 6-8 p.m..
As part of our Utah’s 15 project we have been working on a book to examine the influence of these 15 artists.
Bound in gray linen, 92 pages, with essays on the artists by some of Utah’s best writers, photo portraits by Simon Blundell, and examples of their work, this is a unique publication on some of Utah’s most important artists.
Essays on: Pat Bagley, Edward Bateman, Connie Borup, Geralyn Dreyfous, Stefanie Dykes, Jann Haworth, Amy Jorgensen, Beth Krensky, Kim Martinez, Joe Ostraff, Pilar Pobil, Jorge Rojas, Linda C. Smith, Tony Smith, Stephen Trimble.
Below is a peek at the book.
You can order your copy (or copies) with a (minimum) $25 donation/per book to Artists of Utah (if you would like your copy shipped, we will bill you separately for shipping costs).
Send your donation via Venmo to @Artistsofutah (and we won’t have to pay any fees).
Or you can use this button to donate via PayPal or a credit card:
Essays by Laura Durham, Geoff Wichert, Scotti Hill, Maddie Blonquist, Hannah Sandorf Davis, Laura Hurtado, Shawn Rossiter, Calvin Jolley, Ann Poore, Amy Brunvand, Jann Haworth and Frank McEntire.
Jan.18 – March 8, 2019
Rio Gallery
Curated by Kandace Steadman
Join us Friday, Feb. 8, 2019, 6-8 p.m., for a book release party and artists’ reception at Salt Lake City’s Rio Gallery
Or Friday, Feb. 15, 2019, 6-9 p.m., for Gallery Stroll.
This exhibition is the culmination of a project that began with a simple (or not so simple) question: Who are the state’s most influential artists? The public responded, and here are the state’s most influential artists:
We’ll be celebrating their careers with examples of their works.
Location & Hours
Rio Grande Depot, 300 S. Rio Grande St. (455 West), Salt Lake City
- 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Mon. – Fri.
- Closed Sat. and Sun.

UTAH’S ART MAGAZINE SINCE 2001, 15 Bytes is published by Artists of Utah, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Categories: Artists of Utah News