Jared Lindsay Clark is one of three artists chosen to inaugurate the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art’s (UMOCA) artists-in-residence program. Along with Brian Patterson and Mary Toscano, Clark will have access to national curators and critics, workshops in professional development, monthly critiques, special access to visiting artists and lecturers, and exhibition opportunities outside the museum. He also gets a free studio space at UMOCA.
When we caught up with Clark earlier this year, his studio was a storage unit on Salt Lake City’s Beck Street. Here he keeps an assortment of bricks, old appliances, scrap wood and furniture — the building blocks of his artwork. Clark was the recipient of a 2012 Visual Art Fellowship from Utah Arts & Museums. In this video profile, he discusses his life and work, in a studio that makes his new digs at UMOCA look posh in comparison.
Watch the artist profile in the April 2013 edition of 15 Bytes.

UTAH’S ART MAGAZINE SINCE 2001, 15 Bytes is published by Artists of Utah, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Categories: Artist Profiles | Videos