Got a few bucks to spend on some artful activities this weekend? Or are you stony broke? Either way, we’ve got suggestions for taking a walk on the creative side.
A really just MUST see: The Weekenders CD Release accompanied by a set of Modern Dance with opening guest Quiet Oak at The State Room in Salt Lake City. The “set of Modern Dance” is choreographed by none other than Erica Womack, whom we profiled this month’s edition of 15 Bytes, and will be performed by her five “kick-ass dancers.” Doors open at 8, show’s at 9. There’s a bar, so you have to be legal. for tickets.
Friday –Saturday
Remington and Weasel, 7:30 p.m., Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center, Salt Lake City: Set in the rigid confines of academia, the story follows a film prof and her colleague through “the painful, and sometimes hilarious, journey” of what happens when a person goes too far in the direction of freedom or its consequences. Pygmalion Theatre Company’s play was reviewed April 26th by Dale Thompson. Tickets: 801-355-2787.
Sun Tunnels Community Meet-up: Utah Museum of Fine Arts staff will be on hand at Nancy Holt’s earthwork in Utah’s west desert from 1-4 p.m. for a free art and science adventure. Soak up the scenery while listening to New York-based cellist Tessa Seymour; construct a simple constellation viewer; create a sun print using natural materials at the site and the energy of the sun; write or sketch with UMFA educators to explore your relationship with art and the environment. It’s a remote area with no services available. Directions and tips available here.
Stop in at Phillips Gallery, 444 E. 200 South, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m., and see a wall of Pat Eddington’s cat art upstairs, in remembrance of this artist we so recently lost (and don’t miss Connie Borup’s work in the Main Gallery, of course); then stroll on down to Modern West Fine Art, 177 W. 200 South, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m., where Tom Judd, whom we profiled this month, is showing his stuff. It’s all good.
Stupid Fu**ing Bird: A postmodern adaptation of Chekov’s “Seagull,” Aaron Posner’s play “becomes a perfect storm that is in equal parts painful and funny,” Dale Thompson relates in her review of the play at Salt Lake Acting Company, 7:30 p.m. The play is accompanied by a show of “bird” art by Utah artists. Tickets can be purchased at the box office or online. Friday’s performance is sold out.

UTAH’S ART MAGAZINE SINCE 2001, 15 Bytes is published by Artists of Utah, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Categories: Weekend Recommends