If you are having troubles viewing this video it may be because of your browser (anyone out there want to leave a comment and clue us in as to how to embed the video and have it work cross browsers?). Try going directly to the source of the video at http://artistsofutah.org/15bytes/07may/trent4.mov. Another problem may be the size. This video is very large.
A Butoh Dance Theatre Performance by RaKan and Jerry Gardner performed March 1 in response to Trent Thursby Alvey’s Exhibit at the SLC Main Library (see article next entry). The Theatre participants are Jerry Gardner, Jean LaSarre Gardner, Arwen Ek, Alana Kindness and Jeremy Yamashiro.
This video was created by Eric Ristau, a Utah-based filmmaker, photographer, and writer. His recent efforts have involved helping non-profit organizations and artists communicate with a wider audience through video and streaming media on the web. He has produced museum installations throughout Utah as well as communication pieces for The Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, the National Civil Rights Museum, Round River Conservation Studies, The Utah Humanities Council, and others. His new film about the melting of Greenland, “Warming Island” was recently featured by the New York Times and the French Oceanographic Institute, and is available free on You Tube.

The founder of Artists of Utah and editor of its online magazine, 15 Bytes, Shawn Rossiter has undergraduate degrees in English, French and Italian Literature and studied Comparative Literature in graduate school before pursuing a career in art.
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