Tag: RDT


RDT’s legacy in REVEL

Repertory Dance Theatre’s REVEL, the latest installment in the company’s 50th anniversary season, showcased works by four choreographers, each in some way integral to the company’s history and legacy. Throughout, RDT’s eight dancers exhibited zeal for honoring the past as well as diving headfirst into new ideas. Jacque […]


Creative Couplings: RDT’s Portal

  Duets abound in Repertory Dance Theatre’s fall season, Portal, in which four choreographers’ voices configure and reconfigure a company in transition (RDT has four new dancers: Jaclyn Brown, Lauren Curley, Dan Higgins and Lacie Scott). The evening is quite a curatorial feat, uniting four diverse pieces that […]


RDT’s Land, in Dance and Art

One of Utah’s best artistic resources is its landscape. From the high-mountain country of the Uintahs to the wetlands of our inland sea to the redrock cliffs of the Colorado Plateau, the place in which we live provides a limitless source of material for artists. And not just […]

Daily Bytes | Dance

RDT’s Women of Valor

  This weekend’s performance of Women of Valor is the latest in a long line of community outreach efforts by Repertory Dance Theater (RDT). From educational programming to the recent “Green Map Project,” which considered environmental efforts through art-making, making dance accessible to nuanced groups within the general […]

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