Throughout history, artists in every medium have crafted monuments to those killed in wars, but the 20th century challenged not only their adequacy, but their right to do so. The critic most often cited, Theodore Adorno, summing up all art as poetry, wrote that after Auschwitz, there can […]
During your First Friday Art Stroll each month in Ogden, you may find yourself lucky enough to run into a man named Codey Quintana, wearing a satchel full of zines and stickers ready to be handed out. Quintana is a digital artist and the creator of the OUNCE […]
In the lobby of The Monarch, a multistory building in Ogden’s Nine Rails Creative District, brown craft paper hugs the wall in undulating rolls and reefs, forming an archway between two sections of the building. The work of Maine-based collaborative duo Wade Kavanaugh and Stephen B. Nguyen, “Unmaking […]
Ogden’s Universe City, which started out as a family affair, is growing into a community art center. It all began when the Jennings family invited the community into their living room. The Jennings are a family of artists. Leroy, the father, is a painter. Son Benjamin and daughter […]