Tag: Kathleen Peterson

Exhibition Reviews | Visual Arts

Some Things We Noticed at the Spring Salon: Bryan Larsen, Kathleen Peterson, Frank McEntire, Jason Lanegan, Abraham Kimball

In 1986, I toured a pair of museums on Trafalgar Square in London: the National Gallery, possibly the finest collection in an international field marked by many superb contenders, and the National Portrait Gallery, where I encountered a modern portrait that came to haunt me over the years. […]

Exhibition Reviews | Visual Arts

Faith in Frame: Springville Show is Utah’s Artistic Exploration of Religion and Spirituality

Given the fundamental motivating role of religion in cultural and artistic expression all over the world, it’s not surprising that the first art work to employ the renaissance discovery of accurate visual perspective was such a work — Masaccio’s “Holy Trinity,” which depicts the three-persons-in-one-God enumerated by Christian […]

Exhibition Reviews | Visual Arts

Kathleen Peterson Captures Harmony in Impressive Exhibit at F. Weixler

Kathleen Peterson’s central concern, her subject and theme, which can be found in everything she paints, is harmony. … Humans learn primarily from models, and here are some that might help change a viewer’s life. It’s this positive, emotional conviction that inheres in them, and is felt by willing viewers, that accounts for Kathleen Peterson’s substantial popularity and presence in so many collections and homes.

Exhibition Reviews | Visual Arts

New Approaches to Utah Standards: Kathleen Peterson and Brian Kershisnik at the CUAC

“Why are the people in Brian Kershisnik’s paintings so ugly?” This question from a visitor to the Central Utah Art Center’s just-concluded exhibit of recent paintings by Kathleen Peterson and Brian Kershisnik sent the director, Adam Bateman, and me searching for an answer. It wouldn’t help to point out that beauty is […]

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