Tag: Alice Gallery

Exhibition Reviews | Visual Arts

Negar Monaghy’s Expressive Figurative Works Inspired by Being an Exile in One’s Homeland

Together, two paintings hanging side by side in the Alice Gallery illustrate the paradoxical nature of language in general and titles in particular. Each features a large, single figure juxtaposed among smaller ones, and each is identified by a particular word. In “Society,” scale separates the lone figure […]

Exhibition Reviews | Visual Arts

A Newcomer’s Story: Jiyoun Lee-Lodge’s Enchanting Drawings Engulf the Alice Gallery

Major transitions often feel overwhelming, like a wave of dislocation that renders one temporarily paralyzed. Spatial transitions are among the most disarming, engendering unique challenges to the foundation of one’s personal, social and often cultural identity. This idea of “belonging” or existing as an “outsider” has been a […]

Exhibition Reviews | Visual Arts

The Camera’s Power: Artists at Alice Gallery, Julie Nester and UMFA Explore the Past, Present and Future of Photography

  You don’t take a photograph, you make it.                                          —Ansel Adams   In a decade shy of 200 years—since its invention by British artists seeking a faster, easier way to draw from life—photography has joined those two great clichés of human invention, fire and the wheel, as […]

Exhibition Reviews | Visual Arts

Between Worlds: Bernard C. Meyers at Alice Gallery

“I love ambiguity,” Bernard Meyers says, and with that refreshingly unambiguous confession, highlights a principal characteristic of his photography. Ambiguity is what makes his photos—unlike the majority of images produced by today’s ever-more ubiquitous cameras—valid additions to our common visual language. Or in other words, works of art […]

Exhibition Reviews | Visual Arts

Love Hours at Alice Gallery

Contemporary representations of parenthood are rampant in popular culture. Ranging from idyllic to distressing, such portrayals oftentimes generalize a complicated experience. Love Hours, an exhibition currently at the Alice Gallery in Salt Lake City tackles this immensely personal and time-honored experience. As a scholar of feminist art, the show’s curator […]

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