In our efforts to expand our coverage of the literary arts in Utah, we’ll be publishing Utah Arts & Museums’ monthly “Bite-Size Poetry” here on our blog. Look for it as one of our Sunday literary posts.
The goal of Utah Arts & Museums’ Bite-Size Poetry is to infuse a bit of poetry into the everyday lives of Utahns. We invited notable Utah poets to recite short poems they’ve written, and our friends at TWIG Media Lab created videos of the readings. We’ve been releasing one a month on our website and social media. September’s video features Sian Griffiths reciting ‘Fistful.’

Join us on the first Sunday of every month for works-in-progress or recently published work by some of Utah’s most celebrated and promising writers of fiction, poetry, literary nonfiction and memoir. Click “Subscribe” at the top of our page to join our email list.
Categories: Literary Arts | READ LOCAL First