15 Bytes Extras

Portraits of Donald Beauregard

In our December 2008 installment of Alder’s Accounts, which profiled Donald Beauregard, we failed to include an image of the artist with the story. Here is a photograph of Beauregard courtesy of the Springville Museum of Art; And to make up for our editorial oversight we’ll add another image, a self-portrait of the artist reproduced in the Deseret News in 1909.

We are trying to compile a catalogue raisonee for Donald Beauregard. If you own works by the artist please contact us at: editor@artistsofutah.org

Self portrait of Donald Beauregard

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1 reply »

  1. How many self portraits were there of Donald Beauregard? Is there any documentation on “Pirtrajt of a Friend” c.1912?? @ NMMArt that shows it is actually a self portrait?

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