Artists Lola Reyes, Dawn Taylor, Miguel Galaz, Danny Stephens, Jorge Arellano, and Zachary Franzoni have been hard at work, between fall showers, decorating the doors at Salt Lake City’s Neighborhood House for their eighth annual Urban Gallery.
Neighborhood House is a non-profit organization committed to providing quality, affordable day care and support services to children and adults based on their ability to pay. They have partnered with the Utah Museum of Contemporary Arts (UMOCA), for this event, which brings local artists and art appreciation to the west side of Salt Lake City. Artists were invite to create works based on the theme “Stars of Our Community.”
The artists have had the past three days to complete their artworks in preparation for the Reveal Event tonight, September 18th, from 5:00p-7:00pm. The artists will have the opportunity to present their artwork and interact with the audience as they talk about the aspects of the community that inspired them and the art process in creating the paintings. Audience members will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite artist to win a grand prize of $1000.
The artwork will also be showcased at the annual Neighborhood House fundraiser, Tent Party, on September 19th.
“Urban Gallery has become a great tradition at Neighborhood House and allows our community to have public access to art and cultivates an appreciation for art,” says Jacob Brace, Executive Director at Neighborhood House. “This year, we have asked artists to reflect on what makes our neighborhood so special.”
Neighborhood House is located at 1050 W. 500 S. in Salt Lake City. For more information on the organization and the event, visit

UTAH’S ART MAGAZINE SINCE 2001, 15 Bytes is published by Artists of Utah, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Categories: Daily Bytes | Happenings | In Plain Site | Visual Arts