Daily Bytes | Happenings

Kate Gilmore at the UMFA

Gilmore- Rock, Hard, Place still 2_low-res

Every year, Friends of Contemporary Art (FoCA) purchase a work by a contemporary artist and donate it to the collection of the Utah Museum of Fine Arts (UMFA). With the assistance of the UMFA’s curator of modern and contemporary art Whitney Tassie, the work is chosen at an annual acquisition dinner, voted on by members of the organization.

In November 2013, FoCA voted to acquire Kate Gilmore’s video Rock, Hard, Place (2012), hoping to address a gap in the UMFA’s permanent collection. “Not only does Gilmore’s video bring moving image media to our galleries,” said Tassie, “but it also introduces sound and performance art while embracing feminist practices and rethinking the forms and principles of Abstract Expressionism, Minimalism, and Conceptual art.”

What does all that mean? You can check out Rock, Hard, Place now at the UMFA’s Phyllis Cannon Wattis Gallery for Twentieth Century Art. And at 5 pm Thursday, March 27, the artist will be on hand to discuss how her work investigates female identity, artistic labor, and resistance as a way of challenging heroic myths and gendered stereotypes. 

Members of FoCA are invited to join the artist for a private reception after the talk. To join FoCA, or for more information, please call 801.585.0464 or e-mail membership@umfa.utah.edu.

Categories: Daily Bytes | Happenings

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