Maggie Macnab, author of Decoding Design: Understanding and Using Symbols in Visual Communication will be speaking at SUU’s Art Insights next week, on September 17 at 7 pm in the Centrum Arena at SUU.
Macnab, whose book has been called this year’s hottest graphic design book, has been in the graphic design business for nearly 30 years and has her own design firm, Macnab Design Visual Communications. In her book, Macnab stresses the importance of creative and critical thinking in the graphic design process. She highlights the similarities in all symbols, whether they are used as art, marketing pieces or religious imagery. Macnab believes that understanding the universal language of symbols is imperative for graphic designers in order to communicate effectively with logos and commercial marketing pieces.
Art Insights is a weekly program hosted during the fall and spring semesters by SUU’s Art and Design faculty. Students and community members meet weekly to attend gallery openings and experience presentations and discussions by visiting artists and art educators from around the nation who share their work and insights. Admission is free, and the general public is invited to attend. For more information on the SUU College of Performing and Visual Arts events, please call the Arts Hotline at (435) 865-8800, or visit

UTAH’S ART MAGAZINE SINCE 2001, 15 Bytes is published by Artists of Utah, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Categories: Book Reviews