David Pace is a writer, literary critic and arts administrator with work appearing in American Theatre, The Christian Science Monitor, Quarterly West, Dialogue, Sunstone, and Irreantum, among other journals, newspapers and a book with a forthcoming narrative non-fiction piece in Alligator Juniper. He was a stage critic in Salt Lake for 10 years, and currently works as Literary Arts Specialist at the Utah Div. of Arts & Museums. He blogs at thelittlehousewedancein.blogspot.com.
The Salt Lake City Library (Despite its propensity for jumpers, both inside and out, I still love this very civic place with the great sight lines. Oh, yes, and then there’s the books.)
“Christina’s World,” by Andrew Wyeth
Cormac McCarthy. An imagined sampling: “Once the mescal was fully quaffed, he stumbled out under the illimitable and terrible sky, tripping through an arroyo and letting loose a sound that only a decrepit god from another, broken world, and on quaaludes, could have issued. ” For a much better parody than this one of THE ROAD, go here.
What mantel? We live in a cottage. But, throughout the house, we do have several oils painted by my wife, a custom picture framer, and her mother.

UTAH’S ART MAGAZINE SINCE 2001, 15 Bytes is published by Artists of Utah, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Categories: On the Spot