A Weber State University art grad who lives in Provo with his wife and two young children, Tyler Alexander has been working in the Utah County art world for several years—as a studio assistant to both Kirk Richards and Colby Sanford, and most recently as a gallery assistant […]
When she talks about her painting, Julie Berry calls it “an adventure,” which is a pleasure to hear. Art is properly always an adventure, in the sense that the real artist begins with the modesty to admit she doesn’t know and can’t always control where she will end […]
Medieval Europe had to get by without many of the skills that had made the classical world so splendid. They couldn’t cast metal like the Greeks and Romans: Emperor Charlemagne’s portrait on horseback was a successful bronze casting, but it fits neatly on a desktop. They could build […]
A visitor from another state coming to Utah at the turn of the millennium could not have missed the remarkable vitality of the arts throughout the region and across the range of media. Here, seemingly everyone has at least a little bit of musical skill and practice, with […]
It’s always worthwhile to keep an eye out for new places to see art, but lately in Utah it’s become vital. Independent galleries come and go, but lately our public galleries have become endangered. The Rio and Alice, each in its own way a wonderful place to see […]
A college town home to more than 35,000 students, Provo has never been short of exciting initiatives. But due to that same demographic—cash-strapped and transient—few last for very long; which can make it hard to create a gallery scene. At the moment, however, Provo seems to be thriving, […]
Downstairs at Brigham Young University’s Museum of Art, between an exhibition highlighting Christian art from the 14th century to the present and two others exploring contemporary American art from the 1960s to the present, hangs a single work by Massachusetts artist Joshua Meyer. Or, rather, eight works hung […]
Even though some galleries report selling more art online than in person, exhibitions remain important to artists, patrons, and dealers. The opportunities offered most artists are still either the one- or two-person version, where artists can exhibit in depth, or the group show, where they typically have one […]
Not having done similar computations for every other gallery in the museum, I don’t know if the Dumke Gallery is representative of the entire exhibition—but if you’re inclined to walking in straight lines it’s the first one you’ll come across, so—in it, out of 23 works on display, […]
I wanted to know about the fish. As Colour Maisch interviewed artist Fay Ku before an overflow crowd, they stood before two drawings of enormous-looking, strange fish. All the other drawings were of human figures, sometimes on horseback. But the monstrous fish stood apart. Entering Material, the combination […]
In 2007, I learned that a former writing student of mine was actually a visual arts major. I learned this when Karen Sorenson unexpectedly produced the most remarkable work of art that anyone, student or faculty, would exhibit in my decade at Snow College. While No One is […]
Artists in Salt Lake City should be familiar with Utah’s sophisticated, local print community. The Saltgrass collective, for example, not only promotes the highest standards of the art, but brings guest artists in from across the global printmaking community. What may be less known, at least to non-specialists, […]
By the time the American republic began striding across the world stage toward empire, first as an economic and then as a military behemoth, Impressionism had become varnished with a solid coat of respectability—which explains why the United States has so many fine collections of impressionist works, from […]
Nestled beside the crook of Utah’s interstate system, where the Idaho arms of I-15 and I-84 join in Box Elder County, Tremonton is one rural town that is keeping pace with growth in more urban areas. In fact, one can imagine in a decade or two that it […]
Someone should slap a signature on these things and call them art. Land art. The Delta Solar Ruins near Hinckley, Utah, either tell the story of an ambitious but ill-fated solar energy experiment or, as at least one U.S. District Court judge would have it, a massive fraud. […]
From across the gallery, Noah Eikens’ “Out of Order” presents a puzzle: is this a scale model, a small machine, or maybe a toy? From out of two nested bowls that could have come from a kitchen emerges a tangle of black pipe. It looks kind of like […]
The various laboratories and classrooms of Westminster University’s Meldrum Science Center are where the enterprise of science is both conducted and handed down to the next generation. These rooms are arranged around the rectangular perimeter of the Center, forming squared rings that are stacked into four stories that […]