Several times a year, St. George artist L’Deane Trueblood receives phone calls from various states, asking her to participate in outdoor sculpture shows. One day in 2003, after receiving one of those calls, she thought to herself, “We could do one of those here.” Utah is known in […]
If you’ve ever driven west from Salt Lake to Wendover you’ve seen it: Karl Momen’s “Tree of Utah.” Momen’s sculpture, along with Robert Smithson’s “Spiral Jetty” and Nancy Holt’s “Sun Tunnels” make Utah a destination place for international aficionados of land art. But while the “Spiral Jetty” and […]
The Utah Arts Council, in cooperation with University of Utah Health Sciences Education, VCBO Architects and the Division of Facilities Construction and Management, announces the completion of three public art works for the new Health Sciences Education Building on the University of Utah campus. The art selection […]
What is Mormon Culture and what type of art does it create? No, I don’t plan on tackling that question in this small of a space, but a few places around town might help you rethink Mormon culture. Oftentimes, Mormon culture is associated with a time capsule impression […]
For the Memorial Day which has recently passed, we’d like to acknowledge the service of our country’s patriots by recognizing a Memorial to the soldiers who have fallen in Iraq. Like me, over the past year you may have driven past the Unitarian Church on 1300 East (600 […]