
Utah Dance articles published in 15 Bytes, Utah’s Art Magazine.


A Conversation with Efren Corado

  Below is a conversation with Efren Corado, local choreographer and dancer who has performed with RDT for the past six years, published as part of loveDANCEmore’s November Digest.   loveDANCEmore: We’ve heard that you’re leaving RDT at the end of the season. What are your future plans? […]


National Choreographic Festival Program B Keeps the Spotlight on Female Choreographers

The second weekend of Ballet West’s National Choreographic Festival features three pieces created by women: Jennifer Archibald’s “Myoho,” performed by Cincinnati Ballet, Robyn Mineko Williams’s “To Clear,” performed by Charlotte Ballet, and África Guzmán’s “Sweet and Bitter,” performed by Ballet West. Like the first weekend of the festival, each choreographer presents a different approach […]

Soloist Katlyn Addison and Artist Hadriel Diniz in Africa Guzmán’s Sweet and Bitter. Photo by Beau Pearson.

National Choreographic Festival Brings Female Choreographers to the Fore

The second weekend of Ballet West’s National Choreographic Festival features three pieces created by women: Jennifer Archibald’s “Myoho,” performed by Cincinnati Ballet, Robyn Mineko Williams’s “To Clear,” performed by Charlotte Ballet, and África Guzmán’s “Sweet and Bitter,” performed by Ballet West. Like the first weekend of the festival, each choreographer presents a different approach […]

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