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Who Do You Love

During the month of February we ask Utah artists about a specific piece of art or artist, living or not, local or global, that has sparked their curiosity or influenced their work. We run their responses throughout the month.

Who Do You Love

David LeCheminant Fell Hard for Louise Nevelson

David LeCheminant was a glass artist with a decade of experience when he moved from San Francisco to Salt Lake City in 2007. He found the transition difficult — with proper studios and trained assistants in SLC in short supply — so he would return to San Francisco “to work in a proper glass blowing studio.” It was on one of those trips that he visited the newly rebuilt DeYoung Museum where there was a retrospective of Louise Nevelson. “Until that moment, I didn’t believe in love at first sight, but that exhibition changed that idea — and changed the ultimate direction of my career as an artist,” he says.

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