Author Archives

Kasey Boone

Kasey Boone is a native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and has been living in Utah since 1990. He has a BA in French and Cultural Studies. He is a self-described "orphaned post-modernist."

Daily Bytes

Shawn Harris: Still the One

In March of 2004, unsolicited and unilaterally, I climbed upon my digital soapbox and declared Shawn Harris “the best we’ve got.” In his amalgamation of photography, painting, and found and constructed objects I saw a vital artistic medium that could address a variety of subjects with wit, beauty and insight. […]

Exhibition Reviews | Visual Arts

In Search of a Generation: Exhibits by Bonnie Sucec, Trent Alvey, Darryl Erdmann and Cary Griffiths

A recent trip to the Springville Museum of Art, where I visited the In Memoriam exhibit dedicated to four recently deceased Utah artists, spurred in me, rather naturally, thoughts of mortality; in addition, I began to think of generations and their passing, particularly artists. Not that these four artists […]

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