You know how it goes: it’s the third Friday of the month, you head out for Gallery Stroll, but you can never get to all the places you want to see. One reason is there are a lot of venues. Another is they are pretty spread out. One solution is to break things up, to create micro-strolls, neighborhood-oriented events. Sugar House already does it. Its second Friday of the month art walk doesn’t quite have the bang of the Salt Lake Gallery Stroll, but at least you know you can make it to all the galleries. And on foot.
Well, another Salt Lake neighborhood is trying to get in on the deal. At least for a month. This weekend, the 9th and 9th business district is hosting its own Art Walk. On Friday Evening, three businesses on 9th & 9th will be transformed into Gallery’s featuring artwork from Craig Cleveland (at Zurick, 875 East 900 South), Mark England (9th & 9th Pilates, 845 East 900 South), and Bonnie Sucec and Susan Beck (Children’s Hour, 898 S. 900 East). On Saturday, May 3rd the 9th & 9th business district will be lined with art work from the Students of Rowland Hall, McGillis, and East High. The UMOCA Truck will be parked at Posh Paws from 11-4 with an interactive art show for the family.
These type of events will never replace the institution that is Gallery Stroll (in its 30th year!), but they are great events when the weather is nice and you’re looking for an artful place to stroll.

UTAH’S ART MAGAZINE SINCE 2001, 15 Bytes is published by Artists of Utah, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.
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