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150 W. Broadway – Flying Objects

Fluid Picasso-esque metal figures, Mad Max steam-punk vehicles, astronauts basking in the Utah air, and insects the size of your children (Honey, I shrunk the kids!). Take a walk down Broadway to view these identified “Flying Objects”—the works of established and emerging Utah sculpture artists. The ongoing project is funded by the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City and is managed by the Salt Lake City Arts Council and Salt Lake Art Design Board.

According to the SLC Downtown Alliance, the project began in 2005 during the construction of City Creek to bring liveliness and interest to the downtown area. The first four rounds of the public sculptures were all temporary, meaning they went on show for two-to-three years, but were then given back to the creators and artists to keep or sell. The latest flying objects, installed in 2017, will remain permanently on Broadway. Throughout the years, forty-five Utah sculpture artists have been featured around the Salt Lake City streets as a result of this project.

“Flying Objects 5.0” (2017)

“Flow” by Soonju Kwon, 2017.


“Stargazer” by Dennis Smith, 2017.


“Tango” by Ric Blackerby, 2017.


“Steamed Up” by Tim Little, 2017.


“Flying Objects” Installed Before 2017

Photo by Kelly Green, September 2012.

Photo by Kelly Green, September 2012.


"Tumbling" by James Proctor. Photo by Kelly Green, September 2012.

“Tumbling” by James Proctor. Photo by Kelly Green, September 2012.

"Pricilla's Gambit" by Jerry Fuhriman and Arthur Taylor. Photo by Kelly Green, September 2012.

“Pricilla’s Gambit” by Jerry Fuhriman and Arthur Taylor. Photo by Kelly Green, September 2012.

147 W. Broadway, January 2012. Photo by Shalee Cooper and Tyler Bloomquist.

January 2012. Photo by Shalee Cooper and Tyler Bloomquist.

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