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October 2013
Utah's Art Magazine: Published by Artists of Utah
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Up & Upcoming: Salt Lake Area
Up & Upcoming This Month

ART BARN/FINCH LANE GALLERY UP: Three exhibits explore the themes of boundaries, time, and choices. Matthew Allred's photographic series, Heliography, uses handmade pinhole cameras and exposures that range from 24 hours to six months, creating an arc of time across the sky.|1| AND: V. Kim Martinez's multi-disciplinary installation, 7 Steps Forward 7 Steps Back, is based on her experiences traveling routes used by Mexican/Native American migrants for thousands of years along the now United States and Mexican borders.|2| AND: BabyLit collaborators Jennifer Adams and Alison Oliver created a board book series that brings classic literature with engaging graphics to young learners.|3| They will share their collaborative process of creating this popular series at 8:00 p.m. at the opening reception on October 4.

UMFA UP: Martha Wilson: Staging the Self explores the forty year career of an artist that encapsulates the contestations inherent in feminist and socially engaged practices.|4| In her work and throughout her life, Wilson has explored how identity and positioning are not just self-defined or projected, but also negotiated. The complex nature of her work encompasses her activities as an artist, creating conceptually-based performances, videos, and photo-text compositions since the early 1970s; her position as the founder and director of the non-profit space Franklin Furnace; and her collaboration with other women to form the group, DISBAND among many other things (see our review page 1). AND: salt 8: Shigeyuki Kihara. The latest in the UMFA’s exhibition series focusing on emerging international artists, features the artist’s photographic, video, and dance-based explorations of cultural identity, colonialism, representation, gender roles, and spirituality (see our review page 7).|5| AND: Under Pressure: Contemporary Prints from the Collections of Jordan D. Schnitzer and His Family Foundation. This exhibition presents selections from the largest collection of contemporary prints in the United States.|6| Spanning the past five decades, it features works by thirty-nine artists from Jasper Johns and Sol LeWitt to Damien Hirst, Kiki Smith, and Kara Walker. Under Pressure charts an array of artistic and social concerns, from minimalism to pop and conceptual art, and more recent works addressing race, gender, and identity (see our review page 1).

UTAH MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART UP: Tala Madani's Painted Animations. Merging the satire of political cartoons with the style of American abstraction, L.A.-based artist Tala Madani creates underground worlds where middle-aged men flaunt and frolic in scenes of social calamity and fraternal absurdity.|7| Through her drawings, paintings and animations, themes of gender identity, group dynamic and power structures continually surface as her male protagonists are positioned in subordinate roles that question traditional concepts of masculinity. Madani is the recipient of the 2013 Catherine Doctorow Prize for Contemporary Painting. AND: Faithful Abstraction, a collaboration with CUAC curated by Adam Bateman exploring the connection between abstraction and Mormonism. AND: A selection of religious artworks from the LDS Church History Museum that shows views of Mormon culture by outsiders and insiders. AND: A Sublime of Conceptual Landscapes, a selection of works from the Salt Lake Art Center Collection.

UTAH ARTS FESTIVAL GALLERY UP: Sarina Villareal will present abstract works depicting florals that invoke Edward Thorndike’s theory of temporal decline in a show titled Decay Theory.|8| This show hangs large canvases of new pieces created in the last year. Villareal explores the outcome of memory degradation in her most recent body of abstract paintings she calls the Garden series. Villareal begins her process by studying the physiology of a botanical in order to create a neuro-chemical “memory trace” of the plant. Sometime later, Villareal paints a ‘portrait’ of the floral working from solely from that memory. Due to what psychologist Edward Thorndike calls “Decay Theory,” recollection of finer aspects begin to diminish almost immediately. Villareal’s canvases capture this theory with foggy environments both engulfs and reveals details of the floral.

CHARLEY HAFEN GALLERY UP: Reverse Mosaics by Vort Man. Mosaic is the art of creating images using blocks of color.  In his acrylic paintings on canvas abstract images are broken down into hand painted grids reversing the mosaic process.|9| UPCOMING: Distilled Life by David Estes.  In this age of hyper realism the vitality of emotion that he creates in his oil paintings of common daily objects seeps through your consciousness with the richness of his shadows and the vibrancy of his highlights (see our profile of the artist in the December 2012 edition).|10|

UP: 10th Anniversary SPLASH! Exhibition. Featuring an exciting new series of swimmer paintings by Jamie Wayman as the centerpiece, as well as other refreshing water themed works.|11| Beyond the swimmers enjoy cooling views of lakes from Liberty Park to the Tetons by Phyllis Horne and others.

ART AT THE MAIN UP: Working like the master painters of the Renaissance, Salt Lake artist Sandra Fullmer layers oil paint until it glows with color and light and creates a sensual experience for the viewer – an illusion of reality.|12| . UPCOMING: Recent road trips and slices of landscape captured by iPhone camera through the car window at 70 mph were the genesis of Sue Martin’s new collection of landscape paintings – Seasonal Affection.|13|

ART ACCESS GALLERIES UP: art2go. Thirty-three local artists have been invited to participate in creating a variety of art to be sold in six pricing categories, starting at $100. AND: A Thousand Rooms. Ceramics artist, Rebecca Kharel, describes her whimsical dwellings, depicting layers upon layers of colorful houses stacked upon each other, as metaphors for the self and its accumulated experiences. She draws inspiration from the slums of certain densely populated cities. In these clay houses, she conveys the complexity of the slums, the physical growth of them over time, and the memories of the people that occupy them. UPCOMING: Bumble, Fumble and Stumble, Brian Bean, Brent Croxton and Mark Robison, a visual examination of how mistakes, accidents and fortune affect everyday life. AND: Access II Gallery: "Totally Wired People" Wired portrait sculptures by Sam Guevara

DAY-RIVERSIDE BRANCH LIBRARY UP: Night Vision by Jared William Christensen. The photographs in this exhibit explore the artist's fascination with darkness. In the work, blackness has a physical presence that moves beyond obscure darkness. At the same time, some work is about artificial light that eradicates the darkness of night. Images of storefronts and window displays taken in the middle of the night embrace the irony of an elaborate world of advertisement and invitation that has been constructed for a nonexistent audience. The city is treated as a landscape and has been captured in a 'pristine' state, absent of people. |14|

PHILLIPS GALLERY UP: The BIG Show features large-scale works by gallery favorites including Hyunmee Lee and Lee Deffebach. AND: In the Dibble Gallery, works by Marwan Nahle (see our review page 7) and Heidi Adkins. UPCOMING: Hadley Rampton (see our Artist Profile page 1) and Rebecca Livermore.

ALICE MERRILL HORNE GALLERY UP: That Thing You Hate. Three of the artists in this show dedicated themselves to doing something they hate. Not just anything they hate, but something they recognize as having value, even though they dislike it. These artists each found a mentor, someone accomplished in the “hated” area, and they worked with that person to develop skills in that area. That Thing You Hate features the work of these artists, as well as that of their mentors (see our review page 4). UPCOMING: The State Fine Art Collection Show.

THE LEONARDO UP: Green Revolution was developed by the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry and The Smithsonian. It’s a traveling exhibit with a twist: nothing actually “travels!” The displays withing the exhibit are composed entirely of existing materials. Components from past Leonardo exhibits are given new life, as reused, repurposed, recycled, and upcycled items are transformed into something new.


GALLERY AT LIBRARY SQUARE UP: Art by God: Curated by Andy White. AND: Utah Printmakers Exhibition; a group exhibition of prints by selected Utah Printmakers. Curated by Al Denyer.

ALPINE ART UP: Frame it for $30! Alpine art is inviting their customers to bring in their art to be framed at a discount price and displayed alongside represented artists' work for the September Gallery Stroll.

HOPE GALLERY AND MUSEUM OF FINE ART UP: Featuring a distinct collection of European masters from the 16th to 21st centuries, including the largest collection of original Danish works (outside the national museums) by notable artists such as Bloch, Kroyer, Henningsen, Wegmann and Molsted.

DAVID ERICSON FINE ART UP: They Plant, an exhibition of paintings and drawings by Brian Kershisnik.

15th STREET GALLERY UP: Group exhibition featuring new and old gallery artists.

LOCAL COLORS UP: A Closer Look Artist Show. Local Colors takes a closer look at 3 artists; Rebecca Gates, Ruth Kadas and Wayne Jacobsen.

SOUTHAM GALLERY UP: Presenting a group show, Thirty Years of Excellent Utah Art, featuring 30 artists’ work.

ATELIER AFA UP: Presenting Western Light Landscapes, fine art photography by John Cox. Also featuring works by Staphanie Hillman.

A GALLERY UP: Greg Stocks solo show.

ALDERWOOD FINE ART UP: New work by David Meikle.

RIO GALLERY UP: Utah '13: Mixed Media and Works on Paper. The annual statewide competition and exhibition features the best Utah artists working in mixed media and works on paper.

SUGAR SPACE @ SUGARHOUSE UPCOMING: Expressionistic abstract paintings of Bill Reed.

SPRAGUE BRANCH LIBRARY UP: Prints of Kathryn G. Allen.

SWEET BRANCH LIBRARY UPCOMING: Through My Good Eye: photographs by Jen Melcomian.

EVERGREEN FRAMING CO. & GALLERY, INC. UP: Featured artists Aaron Fritz and Linda Kalmar. Fritz's inimitable paintings create an approachable style and reflect his love of the outdoors. Kalmar's glass creations are both whimsical and bold and really reflect her love of the medium.


CUAC UP: A Folk Story, a group exhibition co-curated by Margherita Belaief and Marta Fontolan. The show is comprised of video works and installation.

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