Daily Bytes | Who Do You Love

Who Do You Love: Josanne Glass

For February we’re asking Utah artists about a specific piece of art or artist, living or not, local or global, that has sparked their curiosity or influenced their work. We’ll be running some of their responses throughout the month.

Glass A Weight on Me 16 x 20 x 1.5 acrylic on cradled panel

“A Weight on Me” by Josanne Glass, 16” x 20” x 1.5” Acrylic on cradled panel

Following a successful 30-year career in the corporate world, Josanne Glass began her artistic life as a weaver on a manual floor loom. Now she is known for her use of strong colors in abstract painting. This may be as much due to heredity as choice, since Glass explains that she always has been drawn to “all things of Mexico” where her mother was born and raised in the river city of Tampico.

“Shortly after I was born in mid-winter in Bangor, Maine, we traveled to Mexico to get my ears pierced and get baptized – probably in that order. We spent our summers there, watched over by the same nanny who had watched over my mother,” Glass recalls.

Glass Rufino Tamayo cover“And through this love of Mexico, I found Rufino Tamayo. His whimsy, his use of color, texture and surface quality is the way I now describe my own work.

“Shortly after I started painting, my husband found a book of his work I had wanted that was long since out of print, having been published in 1982. I pulled this book out,” she says “to re-look at his work in preparation for my response to you. I was surprised by the similarity in colors and textures of the cover painting to a painting I did last month,” Glass observes. The recent work, she says, was inspired by events she is undergoing with her mother.



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2 replies »

  1. I quite like this bold piece by Josanne. It has a sense of predetermination or inevitability about it, the effect is it holds your attention.

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