Alternative Venues | Visual Arts

Wasatch Frame Shop

Wasatch Frame Shop owner Bill Barron is a fine art photographer, art framer and ex-ski patrolman. In fact, you could say Wasatch Frame Shop was born on the ski slopes of Alta, Utah, where Barron worked on the ski patrol.

“I got the idea to start framing art and asked my boss if I could start a business in my employee housing room [at Alta]; he said yes, and became my first customer,” recalls Barron. “I had to bring in equipment and materials by snow-cat. I worked at ski patrolling during the day and framing at night. It was quite an experience.”

Barron’s framing business grew to the point where he was able to move out of his employee housing room at Alta and secure his current 1100 East location.

“There was a hair salon in the building previously and it took six months of serious remodeling to get ready to open as a frame shop and art gallery,” explains Barron. “I knew I wanted to have a gallery component to the business and liked the quality of light, the openness and the airiness of the space, and it’s worked out well.”

Wasatch Frame Shop opened as a full time business on Groundhog Day, 2002. The first exhibit in the gallery was a group show of artists Barron knew, primarily from Alta. “Our emphasis is on providing exhibit opportunities for emerging artists and community service related shows,” says Barron. “I like the idea of being able to help artists get going and give them some support. We’ve also done some unique shows like having a 7-year-old exhibit next to adults. I think people of all ages should be given the opportunity to discover their passions. I’d like to do more community out-reach type of things.”

Barron’s one employee, Brande LaCasse, came to the frame shop in 2003. “At Wasatch Frame Shop I have been given the opportunity to work to my full potential, which in turn, has helped to expand my knowledge in specific areas of framing such as mounting and preservation techniques. My love for framing comes not only from the satisfaction of seeing a piece of artwork transform into something incredible, but also from my personal interest in art. The atmosphere of Wasatch Frame Shop provides a sense of inspiration and freedom that allows me to explore my own levels of creativity.”

All in all, Wasatch Frame Shop is an attractive and reputable framing business and art gallery that cares a great deal about providing top quality framing and presenting quality fine art exhibits.

Wasatch Frame Shop is located at 1940 South 1100 East, Salt Lake City. UT 84106. Telephone, 801.485.1353. visit their website at

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