The Utah Arts Festival begins today and runs through Sunday. There’s so much going on at the festival there’s no way we could introduce it by selecting one or two items.
Find out more at
We can, however, follow up on our previous article (in the May edition) on the Random Acts of Art yarnbombing with these two videos.
One, a stop motion video shot by Bill Fulton on Saturday, June 18th.
The other, a video produced by the Utah Arts Festival.
Utah Arts Festival – Random Acts of Art. Yarn Bombing! from Utah Arts Festival on Vimeo.

UTAH’S ART MAGAZINE SINCE 2001, 15 Bytes is published by Artists of Utah, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Categories: 15 Bytes Extras | Happenings
OK, show of hands . . . during the stop-motion sequences, how many noticed the gorilla walk under the tree?