Utah Arts & Museums (UA&M) seeks to advance Utahns’ quality of life through arts and museum experiences and cultural opportunities. We are a service organization offering a variety of professional development opportunities and grants to serve our constituents. We serve schools, local arts agencies, organizations, community centers, performing groups, museums, and individuals across Utah.
Our agency acts as a state coordinator and advisor on topics of importance to arts and museums communities. We manage the State of Utah Alice Merrill Horne Art Collection, the Utah Percent-for-Art Act public art program, and traveling exhibitions, reaching every county in the state. UA&M is the primary agency in Utah that distributes state and federal funds to stimulate and encourage growth in the creative industries. These funds are appropriated directly for arts and museums by both the Utah State Legislature and the National Endowment for the Arts. We are a division of the Department of Heritage and Arts (DHA) within Utah state government. We include the Utah Arts Board and the Utah Museums Board.

15 Bytes posts press releases regarding the arts in Utah, including exhibitions, call for entries, job opportunities, workshops, art talks. Send your press releases to listings@artistsofutah.org. Please include an expiration date for your posting.
Categories: Salt Lake Art Organizations