UCACA, the Utah Committee for the Advocacy of Contemporary Art, has purchased its first piece of art, a drawing by Sri Whipple. The group now seeks to place the drawing in a public collection somewhere in the state.
Founded in 2006, UCACA’ s mission is to increase the proportion of contemporary art on view in public collections in Utah. Traditionally, decisions about what artwork to acquire for collections have been made by non-artists. UCACA, whose membership is open to both artists and non-artists, seeks to contribute an artist’s perspective to the process of deciding what artwork is displayed in public venues.
Each year, UCACA members contribute funds and select a contemporary work by a Utah artist to donate to a public collection in the state. The organization’s first meeting of 2008 is February 13th at 6 pm. Artists and representatives of public collections interested in participating in the process can view the drawing at www.ucaca.org or contact UCACA through its President, Trent Thursby Alvey 801-550-1548 trentalvey@xmission.com.
Sri Whipple was born in 1973 in Los Angeles and raised in Utah’s Salt Lake valley since the age of three. From youth he had a keen interest in art history with a heavy lean towards the masters (Caravagio, Vermeer, Bosch, VanDyke, etc…). Whipple’s obsession with the masters has always been balanced with a love of pop culture, comic books and animation. After graduating from the University of Utah in 2000 with a BFA in fine art, with an emphasis in painting and drawing, he worked to marry the two traditions. Whipple says, “In my art I unite the masters’ craft and symbolic narratives with cartoon surrealism and subconscious mysticism to create esoteric metaphors for the modern Man”. He can be contacted at 801-808-5876, sriwhipple@gmail.com or at the Captain Captain Studios on 825s. 500w. in SLC, Ut. .

UTAH’S ART MAGAZINE SINCE 2001, 15 Bytes is published by Artists of Utah, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Categories: Local Art News