The Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Salt Lake City, located at 361 North 300 West, has become a prominent venue in our city for many diverse groups, meetings, plays, a delightful coffee shop, and even an exhibition space.
The Volunteer Staff of the Center includes an Art Committee co-chaired by Chad Keller and Shawn Dallas Stradley. The Center’s exhibition space includes some of the common areas of the building and a large room with beautiful lighting, great windows and really nice space.
As part of the continuing development of the educational and community involvement aspects of the Gay and Lesbian Community Center, the organization presents exhibits that relate thematically to lectures, film series, or other educational programs. The Center is also pleased to offer this exhibition space to local artists who wish to exhibit their work.
In addition, The Center’s Art Committee curates special exhibits by single artists, collaborative efforts or shows on specific themes or ideas. Quite often there is a call for entries to the art community as a whole for artwork for these exhibitions.
The following is a schedule of the upcoming exhibitions which have a call for entries. If you would like to submit work for a specific exhibit or have your work reviewed for a solo exhibition please stop by The Center on Wednesdays from 4-5 PM, or call 539.8800 ext. 17, to arrange a meeting.
SHOAH: Remembering the Holocaust and Breaking the Bands of Oppression. April 8-25. Call for entries open to all artists.
Permanent Ink: The Art of Tattoo. April 27-May 13. Call for entries open to all artists.
The Pride Art Show. June 1-June 21. Call for entries open to all Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered artists.
Body Image. July 21-August 8. Call for entries open to all artists.
Buff and Bronze. September 1-September 21. Call for entries open to all artists.
We look forward to working with many of the wonderful and talented artists from our city and state and hope that this will be a creative resource that benefits our community.
The public is always welcome to view exhibitions at The Gallery during the open hours of the community center. We will also begin participating in Gallery Stroll with open hours the third Friday of every month from 6-9 PM.
Categories: Gallery Spotlights | Visual Arts