In Crockett Johnson’s classic children’s book (which has been adapted for the screen), a young boy named Harold wields a magic purple crayon that brings to life the world of his imagination. With it, he draws animals or houses or trees, or simply drags it along by his […]
For much of the year, the Mountain America Expo Center in Sandy (9575 S State State) has served as a vaccine center in the fight against COVID-19. A new mural on the outside of the building’s entrance serves as another sort of community builder. Traci O’Very Covey and […]
It’s an art show you can’t get in to see without a ticket – to Providence, or Paris, or even just to Portland (Oh, wait, not going there right now). Yes, Salt Lake City’s new International Airport is operational, with a decent budget for art, though most work by Utah […]
Traci O’Very Covey’s spirits soared when she learned her sky-high sculpture, “Drinking It In,” had been selected as part of the Salt Lake City Arts Council’s “Flying Objects 5.0” public art project. In fact, she says the coolest thing that happened to her in 2017 was the completion […]
For February we’re asking Utah artists about a specific piece of art or artist living or dead, local or global, that has sparked their curiosity or influenced their work. We’ll be running some of their responses throughout the month. Artist Traci O’Very Covey was born in Salt […]
This month we’ve taken you to South Salt Lake, for a look at their public art (see the photo essay in the September 2013 edition of 15 Bytes), talk of the city’s future as an art locale (see our September 10th post), and, coming up, the Poor Yorick […]
Traci O’Very Covey’s sinuous line, which dances across the surface of her paintings to create overlapping and interlocking planes of color, will be familiar to fans of the Utah Opera, where for four years Covey used her unique graphic style to interpret the storylines of the company’s […]
Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique was published on February 25, 1963. Though controversial at the time, in 2010, I hope we all agree with Friedan’s sentiment that, “It is ridiculous to tell girls to be quiet when they enter a new field, or an old one, so the men will […]