Exhibition Reviews | Visual Arts

Threads of Expression: NEHMA Exhibit Explores the Artepaño Tradition of Incarcerated Latinx Artists

In a composition that fills the entire 15 by 15-inch surface with detail, we see a stern-faced man, holding a pistol and festooned with bandoleers, surrounded by a mixture of beautiful women, an intimidating rooster with wings outstretched, and a menacing clown—all rendered in fine, meticulous line work. […]

Exhibition Reviews | Visual Arts

Finding Fertile Ground in the Desert: The Harrison Museum stakes a claim for the transcendent role of Western art

On a partition amid the downstairs gallery of the Harrison Museum in Logan hang three hand-woven Hopi plaques, or flat dishes. The backwards-F motif of the central disc repeats six times, as if rotating rapidly around its center. To the left, a woven black-and-white pattern suggests a hoop, […]

Exhibition Reviews | Visual Arts

Both Sides of the Coin: ARTsySTEM’S exploration of art and science at the Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art

It’s not exactly nostalgia that makes antique scientific paraphernalia attractive. Not usually windows into our personal pasts, these carefully crafted tools and specimens take viewers on a journey into the collective history of exploring and deciphering the only planet we know. Two artists who have mined the aesthetic […]

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