Ken Sanders has been dealing knowledgeably in antiquarian books for half a century. (That’s why he has appeared on “Antiques Roadshow” on PBS for the past 17 years.) His downtown bookstore, at 268 S. 200 East, where Sanders has been located for 25 years, is treasured by aficionados […]
With our “Still Here” series, we are checking in with members of Utah’s art community to see what the past six months has meant for them. Salt Lake City artist Claire Taylor holds a Master of Science in Environmental Humanities and a Bachelor of Fine Art in Visual Art […]
Got a few bucks to spend on some artful activities this weekend? Or are you stony broke? Either way, we’ve got suggestions for taking a walk on the creative side. Salt Lake City May 12-14 Color Animal, one of the musical projects of local musician Andrew Shaw (their […]
“R. Crumb Meets the Monkey Wrench Gang: Edward Abbey and the Modern Environmental Movement” is the title of a 3 p.m. talk to be given Sunday March 4 by Ken Sanders in the Gould Auditorium at the University of Utah’s Marriott Library. The noted rare book dealer will […]