Comprising 12 individual watercolors pasted to panel, Aloe Corry’s “Care Instructions,” is representative of her narrative approach to art. Words frequently appear in her work, but in the case of “Care Instructions,” the gestures of the hands propel the narrative. The panels depict a step-by-step process for bandaging […]
Photography brought many things to the visual arts, like permission to cut a figure in half at the edge of the canvas, or leave some undesirable empty space, neither of which was done much, if ever, before the camera made them necessary and convincing visual facts. The shutter […]
Aloe Corry obtained her BFA from Brigham Young University and an MFA from the Northumbria University BxNU Institute. She is works primarily in 2D media and has shown her work nationally and internationally. Her most recent solo show was Loose Limbs at the UMOCA in 2022. Recent group […]