When we care about our message, no matter what it is, we will also care about its delivery. —from the exhibition statement by Jason Lanegan There are times when a viewer can stand before a work of art and see that it’s real, yet be unable to understand […]
Jason Lanegan’s “Ancestral Reliquary II: Sylvina Belle Frohlich” could be described as a geometric assemblage that, hanging on a wall, establishes a context that literally connects it to architecture. The reference is underscored by hints in its shape: complex, house-like, but initially disorienting, not least because of the […]
[dropcap]In[/dropcap] biology, circumstances—what scientists call “niches”—summon particular organisms into being. So it may have been inevitable that BYU and Snow College, two of the principal breeding grounds of Utah art, would each possess a teacher who is also a prolific artist, a keen student of local culture, a […]
Before artists had ample opportunity for travel, their styles were usually associated with specific regions, towns or royal courts. As a new exhibit of printmakers in Spring City suggests, Sanpete County continues, in a way, this sort of regional identity, with many of these works by area printmakers […]
The art world is full of strange processes, from the rituals artists use to give themselves ideas, to the crafts they employ in bringing these inspirations into being, and so on to the necessary habits and innovations employed by audiences in sorting out the results. One of the […]
In a ritual repeated countless times since its dedication in 1877 in the presence of Brigham Young, the Manti Temple serves as backdrop for the celebratory portrait of a newly wed couple. Emerging from the venerable Gothic and French Revival masterpiece in which they have just been sealed […]