When the University of Utah chose to cancel its fiber arts program in the early ’90s, a group of dedicated students decided to form their own organization, to continue learning new techniques and encourage each other’s artwork. The Utah Surface Design Group (USDG) was born. Part of an international network of fiber arts organizations, the USDG includes traditional quilters and weavers but also embraces artists working with fibers in any form — whether its the fibers in discarded books or clipped tree branches.
The organization currently boasts over fifty members, who meet regularly for workshops and informal “play sessions.” This month they bring Surface Slant, their bi-annual members exhibition, to Salt Lake’s Michael Berry Gallery.
In this video, USDG member Dana Perez, co-president Polly Masaryk, and founding member Kathleen Deneris discuss the organization, the current exhibit and their own art.
You can visit the exhibition yourself, beginning Friday, April 19th during the Salt Lake Gallery Stroll, 6-9 pm. Surface Slant continues through May 10. For more information on the group, visit utahsurfacedesigngroup.org.

UTAH’S ART MAGAZINE SINCE 2001, 15 Bytes is published by Artists of Utah, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.
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