Daily Bytes

Still Here: Beth Krensky

With our “Still Here” series, we are checking in with members of Utah’s art community to see what the past six months has meant for them. Beth Krensky is based in Salt Lake City where she makes art, is a professor of art teaching at the University of Utah, and gathers items of wonder.  In 2019, she was honored as one of Artists of Utah’s 15 Most Influential Artists.

I have spent the past 6 month or so vacillating between despair and action. Luckily, action won out and I decided to spend my time caring for myself and offering up what I could to help others. I am so grateful to Ogden Contemporary Arts for commissioning a performance, “Dispatch from Solitude #1: Walking the Unknown Path,” in June. It allowed me to think and feel deeply about the multiple pandemics we are in the midst of — Covid 19, systemic racism, and divisiveness. The performance is a pilgrimage through Emigration Canyon and, metaphorically, through the Valley of Death. It holds space for fear, courage, isolation, refuge, gratitude and mortality. To watch the 8-minute performance video, created by Dylan Totaro, go to Ogden Contemporary Art.
What I mostly have been doing is setting up The Store of Wishes. It is a tiny store that sells objects of wonder — some made by me and others gathered from all over the world. I am opening it up by appointment only these days and anyone can schedule a time to visit by emailing (storeofwishes@gmail.com). I will give directions when I confirm the time.  There is no need to purchase anything. It is a just a lovely place to come visit.

Categories: Daily Bytes

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