So you’re feeling a little adventurous. You want to add a little culture to your life. If you’re thinking visual art, it’s not too hard — or at least not too expensive: around here, galleries, and even most museums, are free (that being said, yes, if you’re new to the whole thing, walking into that quiet space and not knowing exactly how to interact with the staff can be a bit daunting). But let’s say you want to try out the performing arts. A little theatre. Maybe some dance. It’s a bit more difficult. Seeing something on stage is rarely free. And it’s not quite as easy to browse modern dance or experimental theatre as it is visual art (if you don’t like what’s happening, you can’t just walk out the door; at least not until intermission).
Enter Rose Exposed. Last year, the resident companies at Salt Lake County’s Rose Wagner Arts Center decided to create the (now annual) event. It’s a chance for the public to try a sampling of what’s on offer at the lovely performing arts center in the heart of the city.
Here’s how they describe it:
And that’s a pretty good description.
“They” are:
Gina Bachauer International Piano Foundation
Plan-B Theatre Company
Pygmalion Theatre Company
Repertory Dance Theatre
Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company
SB Dance
On Friday, August 30th, the sextet presents a variety show, featuring a sampling of what each organization does year round. It costs, but for only $15 you can get a taste of 6 fabulous performing arts organizations and decide which ones you want to come back for.
On Saturday, August 31st, everything is free: classes, workshops, activities and performances. For all ages. Bring your kids and they may have a chance to dance on stage with one of the talented crew from Ririe-Woodbury, RDT or SB Dance (“Bashaun (Williams, of Ririe Woodbury) is the man,” is what my kids said after getting up onstage at last year’s Rose Exposed).
So, if you’re a little hesitant (or just plain cheap) and culturally undernourished, here’s your chance, a cultural buffet. But be careful, you might get hooked.
Rose Exposed is Friday, August 30 at 7 pm and Saturday, August 31, 9 am – 5pm. Visit for more information.

The founder of Artists of Utah and editor of its online magazine, 15 Bytes, Shawn Rossiter has undergraduate degrees in English, French and Italian Literature and studied Comparative Literature in graduate school before pursuing a career in art.
Categories: Daily Bytes | Happenings