Mixed Media

Recent Mixed Media

We’re encouraged by the arts coverage we’ve recently encountered in the media (likely because a new “arts season” opens every fall, but who knows, the coverage could be sustained throughout the year).

The Salt Lake Tribune has being doing an impressive job lately. Yesterday’s article on Jimmy Lucero caught Bill Fulton’s eye, especially the part about a west side mural Lucero created with some teenage students. Fulton was intrigued enough to make a detour to the west side to take shots of the murals with his phone’s camera (see above and below). Also this week the paper covered the 10th anniversary of Gilgal Garden, and went into Utah’s prisons to discover how inmates escape through art (if the topic seems familiar it’s probably because of our July article on Carole Alden, who also figures prominently in the Tribune article).

The Deseret News article on Chad Hurst, a photographer whose current project helps survivors of cancer, may be an indication of the paper’s new direction — it’s a heartwarming story about a Mormon (the art part seems secondary) — but we suppose it is better than nothing.

The City Weekly recently published articles on two Salt Lake galleries, The House Gallery’s new home and the newly opened Gray Wall Gallery. Both are slated for future articles in 15 Bytes, as is an article on Micol Hebron, also recently featured in City Weekly. We’re starting to feel a little “scooped,” but we assume not all our readers pick up the alternative weekly.

Terrece Beesley keeps track of our Mixed Media for us. If you find something that should be included in our Mixed Media section please contact her at terrece@comcast.net.

Categories: Mixed Media

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