Daily Bytes

New Home, New Mural, New Clothes

1/20 Salt Lake City Public Art Program Commissions Local Artist Team Roots Art Kollective for the Creation of a Permanent Surface Mural at Poplar Grove Park

From the press release: “After reviewing applications collected from the 2020-2022 Pre-Qualified Artist Pool, the Salt Lake City Art Design Board recommended Roots Art Kollective (the RAK) for this project and Mayor Mendenhall approved the commission. The designs shown below were part of the preliminary proposal submitted by the RAK to the Art Design Board; the final court design is currently being developed by the artists in concert with the Public Art Program, Public Lands Department, and the contracted landscape architect.”

“The RAK’s proposal stood out not just for its high-quality designs, but also for their keen interest in connecting to the community and creating something representative of and inspiring to the Poplar Grove neighborhood. Further community engagement will be led by the RAK as they progress with the project. The RAK explained, ‘Parks are an imperative component to the socialization and growth of a community. It can become the place where we form our first memories. It can be the moment where you bounce your first ball, or even play your first game of tennis. . . We wanted to reinforce the values and importance of growth, nature & our environment, pride for where we live, and lastly to tap into those memories that remind ourselves that we are kids at heart.'”


The office building in Millcreek (3760 South Highland Drive) where UA&M will move into its temporary home, photo courtesy UA&M

1/15 Utah Division of Arts & Museums moves to their new, temporary home

As of January 23, UA&M will be located in their new temporary location at 3760 South Highland Drive, Millcreek. Development of the properties surrounded the Governor’s mansion in downtown Salt Lake City forced the division to move out of their long-term home at the Glendinning Mansion. UA&M is currently receiving support from the Division of Facilities and Construction Management and the Governor’s Office to analyze space needs and move toward finding a new, permanent home.


LDS Church’s Decision to Alter Historical Nativity Painting Causes a Stir

12/29 Latter-day Saints alter a Nativity painting to make Mary more modest

12/30 Gordon Monson: When the LDS Church alters classic art in the name of modesty, it does more harm than good

1/3 Letter: Of angels and necklines: Remember, the 13th Article of Faith does not call for editing

Categories: Daily Bytes

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