When Sabrina Squires was earning her BFA in Visual Arts at Brigham Young University, she discovered a magical world of artistic possibilities in the pages of National Geographic. The glossy magazine pages with stunning images did not serve as source material, but, rather, become a collaged surface she could interact with, launching multi-layered images full of color and detail. These works are full of material from the physical world, from tropical jungles to desert landscapes, but Squires also explores metaphorical and spiritual narratives in her multi-layered work. “I want my work to function as a kaleidoscope that magnifies and diversifies hue, focuses on detail, and lends an appreciative lens focusing on the whole soul—both body and spirit—of our world,” she says. Her work will be featured at the Gallery at Library Square in August and September. In this video interview, recorded when Squires was a participant in our most recent 35×35 exhibition (September 2016), the artist discusses her work.
Natural Kaleidoscope: Collage Works by Sabrina Squires is at Gallery at Library Square in Salt Lake City, Aug. 5 – Sep. 15, with an artist reception Saturday, August 5, 4 pm.
Categories: Current Edition | Exhibition Reviews | Videos | Visual Arts
UTAH’S ART MAGAZINE SINCE 2001, 15 Bytes is published by Artists of Utah, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Categories: Videos | Visual Arts