In our September 2007 edition, we learned that (then mayoral candidate) Ralph Becker is a fan of Jim Jones and H.L.A. Culmer and that he believes “we need to be continually promoting the great Utah art we have;” now, thanks to the Utah Cultural Alliance’s May Culture Bytes, the community has the chance to learn about Mayor Ralph Becker’s vision for the arts.
Culture Bytes with Mayor Ralph Becker will be Thursday, May 22nd, 11:30 – 1pm at Utah Opera Production Studios, 336 N 400 W, SLC. A light lunch will be served, free for UCA members. You are asked to park in the back, enter through back door, and enter the first door on
your immediate left.
Back in September Ralph Becker said: “I think part of the job of mayor is promoting Utah and Salt Lake City’s assets. . . I think it really helps to have a concentration of art places. We actually have that right now on Broadway. We need to examine how to protect that space.” Now you can see what he plans to do as Mayor to accomplish these goals and ask him how we’ll go about doing it.

UTAH’S ART MAGAZINE SINCE 2001, 15 Bytes is published by Artists of Utah, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Categories: Public Issues