Multi-media | Painting | Utah Artists - E

Maya England

Maya England, born in Utah in 1996, graduated with a BA in Art & Design from Utah Valley University in 2022. A mixed media artist with an emphasis in drawing, she currently works in Film Production.


In my final year at UVU I began to bridge the gap between the committed training in the fundamentals of drawing and the visual aesthetic I have sensed as my own. Raised in a certain creative tension over the meanings of objects, I love to incorporate imagery that catches my eye or sparks a memory – whether from a 1950s hunting catalog or an old train ticket from a childhood trip to London. I have always been a collector and a keeper, unable to resist the allure of yet another outdated magazine or satisfying trinket. I value everyday accumulations of keepsakes and seemingly insignificant bits of paper. Layering and organizing these images and textures into my drawings is deeply satisfying to me as an artist. At twenty-seven, after more than two decades of collecting, rummaging, and diligently drawing, I believe I have reached the first defining stage of my artistic evolution.



Maya England, “Horse Head,” 2023, pencil, collage, 19 x 15 in.


Maya England, “Fish Head,” 2022, pencil, collage, 30 x 22 in.


Maya England, “Ram,” 2023, pencil, collage, spray paint, 19.5 x 15.5 in.


Maya England, “Dog Head,” 2023, pencil, collage, spray paint, 60 x 40 in.


Maya England, “Untitled,” 2022, pencil, collage, 29 x 23 in.


Maya England, “Skull,” 2021, pencil, collage, 30 x 23 in.


Maya England, “Trilobite,” 2023, pencil, collage, 19 x 15 in.

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