Juniper Sky Gallery caters to fine arts including paintings and sculpture, as well as other unique works. Its professional staff assists many customers in art selection for homes and businesses in the area. This 3000 sf gallery accommodates relatively large pieces of wood, glass, sculpture and paintings from artists such as Doug Adams, Royden Card, Joyce Baron, Gloria Miller Allen, Aaron Coleman and Ginny Northcott.
Work by noted regional artists such as the wind sculptures of Lyman Whitaker, and the glass work of Cheryl Collins, hold a prized place in the display area of this gallery. Visitors come back time and again to enjoy the variety and the quality of this exhibit space and the art that adorns it.
Juniper Sky Fine Art Gallery
851 Coyote Gulch Court
Ivins, UT 84738
Phone: 435-674-2306

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Categories: Southwestern Utah | Southwestern Utah Galleries