Artist Profiles | Visual Arts

Jan Andrews: Artist Profile

March 29, 2020: Among the many fine exhibitions we aren’t able to see at the moment is JAN ANDREWS : Honor and Dissonance at Granary Arts in Ephraim. This video profile of the artist was filmed in 2011 and includes footage from Kamikaze, one of the films featured in the Granary exhibit.

As has happened with many before her, Jan Andrews’ epiphany came in the desert. She was in the Sinai studying the Bedouin for an anthropological project when she became convinced that her future lay in images rather than words. She returned to her home in Utah, began learning the craft of filmmaking, and has pursued the artform for the past three decades. True to her conversion Andrews she has always searched to put the visuals first, whether creating video art or documentaries. She has received numerous awards in both categories. Her most recent documentary, on poet Joseph Brodsky, was an official selection of the 2010 Venice Film Festival, and a 2010 Visual Arts Fellowship was awarded to her from the Utah Division of Arts & Museums for her video art.

In this video interview Andrews discusses both forms, including two of the works submitted for the Fellowship application.

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1 reply »

  1. I’ve run into Jan about town at various films I attended with friends who know her. But this is the first real opportunity I’ve had to hear her talk about her work. Thank you for this video talk with Jan—so good to hear her describe her work and history!

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