Photography | Utah Artists - K

Jamie Kyle

Jamie A Kyle is a Photographer based in Salt Lake City, Utah. She received her BFA from Weber State University with emphasis in Photography and attended the University of Utah in pursuit of an MFA. She currently spends her time working in art services and managing the gallery space for the Downtown Artist Collective. In the upcoming year, it is her goal to spend more time doing crossword puzzles and taking long bubble baths.

Artist Statement
“Recently, a friend of mine shared a creation that had been made by her son in the car. This creation was an assemblage of small paper and plastic scraps that had been arranged into a landscape to house a miniature toy fox. This constructed landscape reminded me of the uneventful times of childhood…time spent waiting for adults to do the kinds of things that adults seemed to do. In these mundane moments, anything could become an improvised source of entertainment. Humble objects, for a short period of time, gained new value and purpose.

These photographs are constructed environments. Everyday found objects have been scanned, photographed, and digitally combined into new landscapes for small creatures to inhabit. These creations are reexaminations of the freedom and pure creation inherent in childhood play.”






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