Daily Bytes | Visual Arts

It’s All About Printmaking

Work by Kathy Puzey, from the Utah Printmakers exhibition at the SL Main Library

Work by Kathy Puzey, from the Utah Printmakers exhibition at the SL Main Library

Salt Lake City gets to host the Rocky Mountain Printmaking Alliance (RMPA) Symposium this weekend, so don’t be surprised if you run into the work of more than a few printmakers in the next few days and weeks.

The RMPA was initiated by Jill Fitterer, Associate Professor at Boise State University, and the first symposium was held at Boise in 2011. It comes to the University of Utah in Salt Lake City for its second iteration, and the two-day symposium includes invited speakers, a juried exhibition in the Gittins Gallery, panels, printmaking demonstrations, themed portfolio exhibitions, a Book Arts Program exhibition and demonstration, an open portfolio event and a symposium exchange portfolio. It begins tonight, 5-8 pm, with the opening reception of the RMPA’s Regional Juried Exhibition at the Gittins Gallery on the U of U campus. Also on the U campus, Under Pressure, the UMFA’s exhibition of contemporary printmakers, will be the perfect primer for the symposium and all the other printmaking exhibits in town.
You can view a full schedule of events at http://www.art.utah.edu/2nd-rmpa-symposium/schedule.

You are sure to find many of our local printmakers at the RMPA exhibition, but if you don’t feel like you’ve gotten your fill, there are plenty of other places to catch them.

Already up at the Salt Lake City Main Library, the Utah Printmakers Exhibitoin curated by Al Denyer features the work of Utah printmakers. Many of these artists will be familiar to our readers, from Denyer herself and the Saltgrass Printmakers founders (Stefanie Dykes, Sandy Brunvand, Erik Brunvand) — all of whom have found their way into our pages on numerous occasions — to the professors at our universities influencing new generations of artists (Brent Haddock, Adam Larsen, Edward Bateman Justin Diggle and Kathy Puzey are all here). The exhibition continues through November 15th, and features an Artists’ Talk Friday, October 18, 4-4:30 pm, immediately followed by an opening reception.

The locals continue at Artistic Framing Company’s Sugarhouse Gallery (2160 Highland Drive), where Tia Sheppard has curated Taking Suggestions featuring the work of 14 locals including: John Andrews, Andy Joy Chase, Emily Dziuk, Tyler Hackett, Jared Nielsen, Andrew Rice, Tia Sheppard, Claire Taylor, Brian Taylor, Lucia Volker, Annastasia Copeland-Rynders, Laura Decker, Ryan Perkins, Evan Memmott.

And finally, two of the state’s best known printmakers will be showing at Saltgrass Printmakers. Emeritus professors Bob Kleinschmidt and Wayne Kimball (from the University of Utah and BYU respectively) both work in lithography, one of the richest and versatile of printmaking techniques, and their works combine the sensuous qualities of paintings with the crisp graphic sense of etchings. The exhibit opens Friday, October 18th, 6-9 pm, and a shuttle will be operating between Saltgrass and the RMPA symposium at the University of Utah.


Categories: Daily Bytes | Visual Arts

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