Multi-media | Utah Artists - J

Erik Jensen

Born and raised in Salt Lake, Jensen graduated from Utah Valley University with a BS in Art Education in 2017. He started doing art with computer keyboard keys in 2013, started doing it as a business in 2017 and and went to being a full-time artist in 2018. He loves spending time with his family and when he finds the time, he even gets on his 36-inch unicycle for exercise! #deafunicyclist #onewheelman

Erik started doing art when he was first able to pick up things. His mother was (and still is!) awesome and allowed him to be free in his creativity, even it if meant big messes. This played a big part in Erik’s success throughout his life. In high school, his ceramics teacher supported him through every assignment and more. She even put in her own money so Erik could continue to develop his incredible art skills. Erik’s art has won several awards throughout his art career, in high school, college and art shows and festivals. In college, he had a couple pieces in the annual student art show. Both are what started his designs for what he has begun this art business with–computer key art.

Artist Statement

“Living in a technological world, everything we see is pixelated. Recycling and technology are both of contemporary arts across the world. I create pixelated murals that not only share the beauty of the subject, but also send a message. I don’t mean only the message of recycling, but I use the actual keys to spell out messages, mission statements, milestone years, etc. Each of my pieces represent a part of my life as well as the lives of those I’m building for or the subject itself. I specifically use recycled computer keys. Keys are popped off keyboards, color sorted, washed, and some dyed. Each key has its own personality by shape, color, depth, etc. Placing these keys together gives a pixelated beauty from the front and a mesmerizing texture up close and on the side.”



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