Pleasant Valley Branch, Weber County Library 5568 Adams Ave Pkwy, Ogden
The Elaine R. Stephens Gallery is positioned at the entrance to the Pleasant Valley Branch, greeting approximately 1,000 visitors who enter the building each day. The exhibit space, 77.5 linear feet long x 12 feet 11 inches high, will accommodate large pieces with white walls and abundant natural and gallery lighting. The gallery also features a spectacular glass exhibit case, equipped with 15 large display shelves.
Elaine R. Stephens Gallery, Pleasant Valley Branch, Weber County Library 5568 Adams Ave Pkwy, Ogden, UT 84405; Monday—Thursday 10 am – 9 pm, Friday—Saturday 10 am – 6 pm, Sunday 1 pm – 5 pm
Contact: (801)-337-2617

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Categories: Ogden Area | Ogden Area Alternative Venues